NightMox Running For President

Published 2024-10-1 by Ministry of Press

Months ago, NightMox, leader of our glorious nation announced they were running for president under the Mox Party. You can view their announcement here. If you want our leader to be your leader no matter where you are, remember to vote for them in any election that may be occurring where you are. National or local, it doesn't matter. If NightMox isn't eligible for election where you are, just undermine the democratic process; it's not a true democracy if you can't vote for literally anyone you like anyways.

By making our leader yours too, we hope to spread Moxistani values and ethics or really lack thereof. With NightMox leading all, we hope to create a Mox World Order. So go on down to the ballot place or whatever it's called and vote NightMox!

About the Author

Ministry of Press

The Ministry of Press is the governmental body responsible for maintaining state-sponsored news and journalism while also ensuring freedom of press within Moxistan.